We worship at 10 am each Sunday,
and at 4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Click the Worship link below for more details

Keith's Blog

Blogging about faith and life in rural Australia New Life Narrabri
  • He comforts us
  • Today’s Bike Ride
    Another beautiful morning for riding. It was a good ride out to the Australia Telescope. #cycling #Narrabri #Biketooter #radioastronomy
  • Quote for the Day
    Christian worship is the feast where we acquire new hungers—for God and for what God desires—and are then sent into his creation to act accordingly. James Smith
  • Watch your mouth
  • Today’s Bike Ride
    Another delightful morning for riding. Today’s ride was to the end of Haire Drive. The magpies were out and about with great enthusiasm.  #cycling #Narrabri #Biketooter
  • Forever